Message From The Founder

We know, each story is hidden behind every success and every new start is a new challenge of experience. We all did not come to this earth with equal skills and power. But we hope for the best and we dream that each and every children will get the same right and environment in the society both normal & physically challenged. The Almighty has made life a new challenge for all of us. We start a new day not knowing what the day will bring, but anticipating and praying for the best. We are really very happy to be able to extend our services. We will ensure all kinds of facilities for the psychological development of these children.

We always expect that you will soon appreciate this extraordinary living and learning environment the school has created for students by making differences. You will see how happy and engaged our students are in their academics, social experiences, and extra co-curricular activities. We believe these students will be transformed to valuable resources for the society with all your cooperation and our effort to nurture them all through.

If you are parent, or guardian of a prospective student who is seeking admission, I encourage you to check out the Special School first to gain an understanding of the many interrelated components of our advanced program. Students who enroll at Triple star Special School are friendly, caring and eager to experience fulfillment in all aspects of their lives.

We humbly request you to go through the school vision and objectives to learn about the goal and philosophy that guide our decisions and define who we are as a community. We work towards achieving common objectives through enduring relationship.